Elon Musk claims scientists are wrong about Mars terraforming, says we can definitely do it

lon Musk has long had his sights set on an eventual goal of making Mars a more habitable planet. His dreams of manned SpaceX flights ferrying settlers to the Red Planet are no secret, but in order for that to be a reality we’d need to spruce Mars up a bit. Recently, scientists delivered some devastating news to anyone who dreams of Mars becoming Earth-like, and a new study revealed that there’s not nearly enough carbon dioxide left on the planet to create an atmosphere.
Never one to turn down an opportunity to defy his naysayers, Musk fired back, stating that there is totally enough carbon dioxide locked up in the Martian soil, and that the researchers were just plain wrong.

The study, which was released last week and published in Nature Astronomy, explains in detail how the CO2 on Mars is trapped both in the soil and rock on the planet’s surface as well as the ice on it poles. Musk has long said that there’s enough CO2 there to create an atmosphere, but the researchers now say the actual amount is nowhere near enough.
News of the study spread across the internet and eventually landed on Musk’s Twitter doorstep. Needless to say, he disagrees with it.


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