The Trump and the Kim Meeting On june 12, 2018

There Is an meeting that will be held In Signpaore Asian nation, just located some elsewhere in the ASian continent where Japan and mainly other last part of the shitty continent are going to met up because they need to have some very serious talkings with each other because if they are not going to have any of these
 The North of the Korea will continue its nuclear ambitions and will eventually use some different testing methods in some of the most darker cruel nuclear testing places and essentially ignoring every Sanctions that the US Secretary of state"MIKE", Will be sending to the Communist Democratic republic of North Korea.
Multiple reasons why the two world(POLITICAL LEADERS WILL SPEND TIME!

  • To Force Kim to eventually get off that program because that will only do some damage to the economical development and also the backed support for North Korean transition status of economy.
  • the relationships with the neighborhooding countries(JAPAN, South Korea,Russia,China), and many more
  • '


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