How To survive the nuclear war

Nuclear Wars are so powerful that will take place between countries who have developed high nuclear warheads because these countries tend to threat themselves to range-quit between the whole natural things floating up In the regional conflicts of the middle eastern region,the region is under control of some communistic regime led by U.S President Donald Trump and therefore, Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Meeting between these two leaders are meant to be held after the historic handshake and the person-to person meeting of US PRESIDENT With  the North Korean Leader Kim Jung Un, for June 12th, 2018, In Signapore 

  • The point of the meeting of all power countries in the world would be to see what owning that large number of nuclear warhads.
  • and Whom to see to form an alliance between the nuclear power sites of countries and each front filled with the most powerful and less powerful nuclear powers.
  • But In point would be that starting countries  on the startpoint of being nuclear powerhouse to politically not be included in his global conflict
  • But leaders would be two countries"RUSSIA", And the "UNITED STATES".

  1. More poverty
  2. Loss of massive number of lives
  3. Decrease in Economic structures meant for the economy to move forward into proper stabilization.


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