humans were not the first species

  • Humans have learned that they are not the first species in the planet
  • Earth is good place for life, but it cannot be always the place where life could be very developed  and shownup in the solar system galactic conference these days

  • Everyone deserves a chance of seeing this new life, here we gather some information about this planet

  1. The Orbital period takes them for very long time to come up here and the orbital period takes roughly about 212 years to complete it
  2. they have built a little tiny strucutre on the binar star because they are over 31. billion years away from us and more advanced
  3. the solar system is so large and also they have seen everything

And then the last part was that they were going to colonize the moon of the humans so they could cause even more hurrances on the planet.
humans are not useful species, they do nothing.



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