
Showing posts from July, 2018

Deepest questions that have no answers about our universe.

How are black holes formed? What makes most of the universe? how many creatures are known to be living in it? Whats inside? Is there any life inside a black hole? Is there connection to different universe Do Interstellar cloud exists at the  edge of our solar system? Black holes are formed when a neutron star nuclear core explodes and the debris cosmicalyl is collected with dark matter Dark energy 7,000,000,412 anything thats anywhere. No. We are not sure, but we know that universe expands and this universe perhaps might be just 13.7 billion years old, but its expanding, we are not sure whats causing the expansion, but we might be living in a parralax universe, not sure..

Can we travel deeper in the universe?

Traveling in the universe has been the most common thing and appelaing mostly about it is that you can travel around the universe and alos that you can travel up so much deeply that you must essentially be able to travel  at speed of light and also such speeds that are most common about you and that you must perhaps be liking that since doing that we might be able to do it in our lifetime. Humans space program became into existecne in the 1960s where American President and the President of t he scientific governent- based agency told that they will bring up Astronauts into the  lunar surface by the end of the decade , the first ever humans to have gone with a spaceship  that carried the human crew to the Moon, was just 312,000 miles away, so how many hours can we travel now into the universe?



Mars Mission

Mars Is the third planet from the sun and also  one of the most easrly rokcs in the soalr system that  was formed right before earth  and other natural objects were formed during this time also that Mars is known to have some oceand and thin atmosphere in its early history,  but sometime as the sun was increasing, becoming medium-sized star, Mars  lost its atmosphere and also magenfic field This killed off the plaents only organissm that were going to be evolved in here and also lost its ocean moments afterwards


According to some scientists that we have asked that the blood moon is the sign that the moon is potentially about to observe sometihng so much  from the earths one hemisphere so that way essentialyl the moon was going to become the next earth but then as the we have seeen that all planets have perhaps one rotation speed among the sun and that so the sun is perhaps very able to drag up the two moons and planets around orbit which may cause the scientific process of the moon to develop life and also to clear the dused surface and  form some rocks from high night materistic energy  And then so while all of these little energies means that there must been something that can perhaps be able to help t he moon develop organisms, but mainly water and other chemical compunds in the newly formation of lunar atmosphere.


Europa is a moon of the gas giant planet known as the Europa while that this is perhaps like an alien moon that has lines on it surfac e because thse lines can practically be meaning that there might be aliens thriving there or just some very intelligent Type III Aliens be there and building underwater citites to save one species on some of their home-born or colonized planets to survive and also, our recent observation scientificalyl confirmed that In  May 2018 was not pushed away from the jupiter unstable radiation because it was confirmed that it was orbiting a gravitational  star back there another one This moon fascinates scientists because there is some potential vast oceans that are liekly to make another million years from now until the organisms back there will evovle into complex creatures and also chemistry that develops their genetics and biological organs.


Titan isthe largest moon in the solar system and the only most habitable moon in the solar system where it can have oceans and also have  many geological features like our planet does, it robits the gas giant planet every single up 2 hours per orbit, rarely recives sunlight from the sun because its 2 billion miles away from Earth and also another 3 billion miles away from the Sun Mathematically this would take about 7-8 years to reach it up single probe, or spaceship with human crew inside.


So potentially about right now what we are going to see in our free world is that potentially almost everywhere locally that we are living off  in the world has to be defined by technological operation and also that the one of the technological living off naturally everywhere locally that we are seeing, so the future is here as we are guessing: 2020 We will see a new mission to Mars, so that essentially its perhaps that we will start to prepare for domination of mars with manneed landigns of colonists We will see the population reaching up about 8 billion people First cargo ship.... sent to Mars And then so right now we will see something potential about everything properly everywhere. 2030. Colonization of the Mars Asteroid Impact, hit on Earth, IN  APRIL 2036. An Moon base thats have reached up around 1,000 people and slowly increasing China landing its early humans on the Moon Japan landing its first humans on the Moon AGAIN! Operational b...

Questions about our distant future


Where are the aliens?

When the ealy space program was developd by NASA they have asked themselves where can every local civilization in the galaxy could be,  If there are perhap about 100 billion of stars, then where are all of them mathematically and technologically? Are they not existing in this current galaxy as we are knowng of? are they dead? are not they not intelligent?


Colonization of the inner solar system has been questioned in everyday local science fiction writers and also been taken in realistic talks about the future of humanity into space, being able to develop and thrive as space-faring civilization that can survive everything that is thrown towards  Including some sort of constant  radiation  that is striking them constantly, so here are some possible candidates that involves colonization of this region on our  solar system! Moon Already been explored Already landed there We can use the robotic rovers to dig down deeply in the atmosphere and usethe minerals to speed up our tehcnological development and use it as gateway to different places in the solar systenm... MARS It has tunels filled with habitality. It has thick atmosphere  It has no protective magnetif field  It has water on the surface It has already some local spots for future human landers there oclonizing the planet ...

Message about the future!

\ Aliens are such evil civilziations that they are willing to come up and accept such singal coming from distant civilization that tehcnologically flaunched some litle space probes in the hope that another intelligent species might be able to pick it up from theere below somehwre in the next possible distant such things  which means that the aleins that we are talking about are not even that intelligent to detect up anything any  space robotic mechancial spacecraft that is launched up  form trillion of miles depending at how much our radio waves are operating and how much it might take them to raech up their home planet, which means that not everybody might be familiar with the aliens but we may usualy have make contact with the first ever supercivilization that is closer to us and even more than ever we can say about it, Aliens just need us to let them know that we are here, we live on a tiny blue floating rock, whose surface is perhaps covered in water ...

The Golden Record!

40 yerars ago since the launch of the twin probes called Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, they have potentially had some copies of sounds which contains information about the human race itsself which means that once the aliens have reached up any of the twin probes traveling at similar velocity, can help them understand the point of lfie, what it means to make contact with another intelligent lifeforms. And from time and time it was coming, its now about 20 billion miles away from us and then potentially so far, no floating alien space rock have founded or detected yet the space probes, nor even know that somebody is out there, however that might not stop us, maybe aliens are not even that advanced for traveling the universe, just perhaps at their solar system, busy building energetic structures.

Voyager 1 And where is it now?

Voyager 1 is the fastest human made object ever in the history of human species that we know of with cool technological resources and capabilities to build a spacecraft, this spacecraft was meant to go out there and then so help us understand the outer planets of the solar system and then so NASA Did not knew anything that it might have nuclear core which is powered enough to perhaps seven capture some new images of the distant far tiny objects of the solar system or even just reaching the edge of the solar system and exit the system and pledge back into interstellar space to reach nearby star and study its celestial bodies, from the mission, this is what it has perhaps founded and taken! Images of Jupiter Images of Saturn Moon Images of the Earth from billions of  miles away since it was launched, it launched



Top Objects thought to have existed in the Universe.

Oceanic Planet If there is some sort of water on its surface, we know that there are potentially some new habitable planets that as time might be passing, while orbiting the star, it may get enough heat and energy to melt down all of the ice glusters down below and also Indicates that potentially also, land and seasfloors might be formed from below Wormholes Worm hole are the only object known to compositst usually a gravitational bound of space-timte, only object we can depend on,to do some time traveling into past and the distant possible future. Dyson Sphere Dyson spheres are objects designed up from the most intelligent animals on the  universe ever known to have used another new method to consume energy from their own star, its well-known that this is Type II Technological civilizaiton


Europa is the next possible place where we can find some intelligent lifeforms thriving under the cold conditons of the moon which indicates that this moon is perhaps orbitng up the gas giant planet known as Jupiter and also using the thermal Juputer gravity, it could usualyl shield its planet and also that it can shield up its vast oceanic surface  from  the asteroid belt That has occupied the Jupiter and the Mars Belt filled with such asteroids. Juno Spacecraft have noticed something so much weird something from down underneath the surface ground of this new potential location about this wonderful moon and that thing is that, it might have life as we know it down below, just not being able to thrive much up, due to fact that the sunlight is blocked up to the constant rotation of Jupiter and also that, its perhaps sometimes being hit.

Titan Is the only object that can support life as we know it here on Earth

Titan is the 6th moon of SAturn and thereby one of the most largest one in the solar system and perhaps only known bounded object to date ever that perhaps might have life as we know it arond here the most wonderful surface of this moon, based on the fastest human obeject hat have reached this moon IS the Voyager 1 that have approached this up while trying to leave the solar system way from the Earth, engines being able to  escape the whole new system out of the new objects that can be done with just one perhaps usual objections done for us and more overall new people that have developed sofar While trying to reach up the moons, it just not just dod ssome pictures of them, and then also jut tried to study these objects  in the long term to arrive in the world and then so here we have information about them and then so in the next years to come, we have been able to do such flyby and constant information absorving about them, Forever its that, something relatively, from o...

Hitlers Plan!

his plan was that after the second world war 2 is done, he may go to the moo and live there without anybody knowing it, and then so as an result into his huge technological succession, he called upon the aliens to observe the earth  from the moon and see if the Americans are developing the rockets and also telescopes needed to come here to the Moon and then essentially ready to explore the moon for hitlers base. when the little man creatures figured out that the humanity is planning to do it, with powerful also space orbiting objects around the moon, it was kind of ready to kick staring the operation in the  moon and then picking that shit up and being ready to leave the moon before they were launching it totally before anything else as planned in their objection in the informative lunar paper.


There is no sound in space because there is no air, and speed is not the fastest, nor its capalbeo  of traveling up in the universe because space is itself has no air or atmosphere above. Radio Telescopes were pointed out in the planets ranging from the billions outer planets to the inner planets. So listen how to their sound.

The Duck Song!




What IF Black hole merged with the Sun.

Black Holes tend to usually swallow everything in their free path as they are crossing it up because they have such center up in their free empoweing shit from the dark matter, Which Indicates us that once it enters our solar systems as it moves around the speed of light and also depeending on the size, we are talking about the tiny black hole merging with medium sized stars such as our sun, so what happens? Once it hits the sun, all black holes are eventually able to emit x ray from gamma rays which means that they will emit more lights and also lights,  it wll increase up   so much  size, and then so based on the observations, it will increase it up a bit in size and then so it will provided a bit more easier for the organsism to survive on Europa Titan Saturns Moon Jupiter moons And then so the Ice will be melted down. all of them will thrive,  due to increasing size, Mercuy Mars Earth Venus will suffer from large temperatures because of ho...



Earth After the sun have died off!

Sun is also considered as the centre of the solar systems and one of the most important objets in the universe known for being able to give lif on planets as we know it, but lets see what happens if it it was gone and what might happen to planets that host life as we know it. First of all all objects are in the need of light in the universe as we know it. Fist of all ,all stars have average lifecycle of trillions of light years across. So what could happen to all the planets that have light?

Our Sun in 7.5 Billion Years!

Our sun in the next billion years will have developed  so much in its own relative  size and then so it will eventually wipe out  many different objections from us the current planet that has life on it. and then so from this resulting up event, the sun will get warmer and more warmer and then some orbital paths that are closer to the sun, will be gilfed and possibly the orbit of the Earth. If the orbit is not, then the next 8 mins that will receive the light, it will become more warmer and more warmer as an result of the constant climate change and then so all oceans will vaporize down on the ground resulting into such constant supernova of the sun, and then so all oceans will  have vaporized and life will mostly die.


Is god Real creature? Is there any other life? Is there afterlife Do we deserve to be living DID the UNIVERSE BEGUN WITH A GOD?



HOW TO LIVE to 100?


Is time Travel possible?

some humans are perhaps already doing this while consuming all possible new forces rapidly over time and time to arrive in the universe as we get it on, but then perhaps that one day can arrive that perfectly that we may never be built in to develop this energy methodology that we have. so the main reason why we are doing this is the following: To see if there is somea ncient civilizations here on htep lanet Earth If there is some advnaced technological civilizations that can help us contain some new minerals that once brought life here on with us relatively. See, If aliens have helped humanity evolve on Earth While some aliens are doing that, we just have to analyze if there is some relative new zones around here!

new countries on the world map.






Questions about everyday life

Some people are always questioning themselves and are willing to answer any sorts of questions that they may be feeling because they have such personal self esteem issues in their life because they have developed like nothing else potentially which allows them to become something so good at what they are willing to become realistically. some questions are always coming as we are living our lifetime, everything deserves questioning about anything because for many reasons realistically to come up around here and thereby, we can use the ancient wisdom to form some questions here. HERE ARE MOST POPULAR QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR EXISTENCE!








Universe that lives among us is one relative mysterious one because it just keeps on forever expanding and then alo keeps on developing such improvement of new questions which means that we may find some new answer on these questions already humanity is always on verge to make discoveries about the universe once they make historical dicoverie that might change ourselves sand our existence as an whole spectrum. Is there new life? How many alien are there? Is there another planet like our Earth? Is the Moon habitable one. What existed before big bang?

Questions to ask yourself each morning

If you are willing to biologically improve many parts of your body, or just wanna be kept in reality  with the world around us overall, at all times, so that we have got you covered, some questions are good for personal development and also self improvent, lets explore them Personal Developent include  that you are deveping yourself in effecrive manners that is very important for yourself and you can include something in your brain forever that improves brain function. Self-improvement is developing of new positive traits that have positive psychological impact on your well being.

How strong can black holes get

Black holes are one of the most dangerous little  hole that could become unstable and also that therefore,  IT can grow up being so strong that we cannot image just how much strong, and that is by swallowing perfect objects within its pathway and so given in that specific order, Right there we are questioning that how much stronger can they get they become more stronger stronger while essentially trying to consume everything in their free power escaping velocity parts in every local part of our general society, embound every local part to take control over this event. Even in the lowest natural object that we are talking about now is that they can take huge orbits and efforts to reach up this type of size and eventually blow up down without second because they are having effects of everything they might see  and become so much strong for no reason. Holes can become so strong





Life In the Soviet Union... 1922-1991


Life In the Eastern Germany State... 1945-1991


Time Traveling

Time traveling means to be able to visit the same planet, but billions of years into the future, like a future version of the planet itself, some people think that it may be possible to do some time travel to the past, rather the future because there might some objections telling us that there might be some black holes that could potentially lead us perhaps to the distant past of the universe. some people also argue that a warmhole inside may not know if there could have been some sort of chemical energy to speed up our traveling speed, these wormholes dont usually have any cosmic speeds to travel faster by consuming their entirely limit,totally. so it might be good just to travel inside, and also based on the differnt side, we ,may see our olderself and more of the ancient universe.

Mindblowing questions about Black Holes

They are just overall objects formed when during the time when a  massive giant star goes supernova, during the process, all elements that made the moon are made of Plasma, which Indicates that rapidly it can be anything with covered free Icy shit, than there ever was with the capability to develop larger and more larger, as it was forming, all  gravitational forces are kept within a electromagetic shield which also makes it appear longer. Here are some questions about  these mysterious objects. Can you do time travel with them? Can you essentially see them? Are they filled with Dark matter? Are they eventually able to emit light? how are they dying How can we find them Answers

MARS In 2018




Future Colonization Of Moon

Moon is one of the most nearest objects  to the Earth because you can see it within just 312,222 Km away from the earth, and any object within this distacne can be be considered as the nearest object to Earth because of how close they are to each other rapidly, than ever the Day was just In the year 1969, when some two brave humans on a rocket called Saturn V, usually was able to be launched because the Americans were investing into effrorts to own the universe and also help humanity set foot on different objections  for the most proper colonization ever that was happening back there forthemselves So its been around just 49 years until we have totally landed back on the moon and then explored, upp Upon landing they had carried with them some wonderful rocky rovers to help them explore all regions of the moon, without being hit by some deadly radiaton which could spark issues to fast human beating of the moon entirely. and then so from that point of natural overview, i...

mysterious questions

Are we alone her in the univesr how did mankind evolved? Who have created us Humans? Did we land on the moon? What made up everything so soon? Are we technologically advanced? What we are? the nature of being human is to explore and learning about yourself so much that you may not be able to remember it, what it was, what caused it. to form!   No we are not alone We are not sure God YES WE DID, 3 times=3 years+alsmost whole decade



Solar Wind.
