What Happens once black hole collide with themselves?

One of the most violent explosion in the universe is when the invisible black holes objects are orbitnging themselves using their both actual collusion rate and then forming up some more massive objections that rapidly would be looking like like they generate large watts of energy  and also strong enough to cause such explosion forever in their whole almighty universe that could generate heat and also pressure for their own personal upcoming relativites to grow naturally into stronger parcitcles and their own lights be deeply trapped into their straight event horizons that would dramatically loan all of the interesting sources of light in the event horizon.
all of the potential little shits that they were monotoring up from this massivest explosions ever that they have republished in their scientific daiary is that always they keep up to become massive and more massive, while they emerge to become larger black holes, their intence of gravity enters the flux of their surfaces and generates large enough to emit some of the strongest possible highlighting to see what it's like being there drastically every local time they ask us being part Of this relative time lapse of whom we just like ourselves being like and perhaps nothing more but some species that dislike themselves so much and that humanity might save the sun from expaanding.

what happens once the black holes merge with themselves

When the two black holes merge, the smaller and the litle gravitational  events Horizons are always gooing to cross down adn then become usually weaker...


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