Top Objects thought to have existed in the Universe.

  • Oceanic Planet
If there is some sort of water on its surface, we know that there are potentially some new habitable planets that as time might be passing, while orbiting the star, it may get enough heat and energy to melt down all of the ice glusters down below and also Indicates that potentially also, land and seasfloors might be formed from below
  • Wormholes
Worm hole are the only object known to compositst usually a gravitational bound of space-timte, only object we can depend on,to do some time traveling into past and the distant possible future.
  • Dyson Sphere
Dyson spheres are objects designed up from the most intelligent animals on the  universe ever known to have used another new method to consume energy from their own star, its well-known that this is Type II Technological civilizaiton


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