Questions about our TIME

As time was exstitng in the universe and as the ancient universe came back to end in the last 13 billion years ago, anything has happened and already had some cosmic conditions for the early galaxies, habitable planets to form some intelligent life and also to develop the  alien intelligence they need to explore the cosmos and the planet around them..

  • What Existed before the big bang?
  • How Did time and before begun?
  • WAs There any other ancient objects?
From what scientists are capable of observing with their own local telescopes  Indicates that there might be some potentially new answers from all of the questions that have arisen up so vastly with the recent scientific operations and also such observations that we have done with the invent of new generation of telescopes, 4 decades ago, In the following countries

  1. Chile
  2. France
  3. United States
  4. Macedonia
  5. Greece
  6. United Kingdom
NOW LETS ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!--------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Nothing, the universe created itself from nothingness matter back there, with the emptiness.
  2. It begun shortly after the big bang whom we had saw the first time photons took time to reach different star, and it tooked time based on the longetivity of lightyears 
  3. All we know is that planets, black holes, stars, nebulas,moons, rocky planetoids,comets, make up the universe  so they also should've existed, but not technically  existing!!!!!


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