Questions about everyday life

Some people are always questioning themselves and are willing to answer any sorts of questions that they may be feeling because they have such personal self esteem issues in their life because they have developed like nothing else potentially which allows them to become something so good at what they are willing to become realistically.
some questions are always coming as we are living our lifetime, everything deserves questioning about anything because for many reasons realistically to come up around here and thereby, we can use the ancient wisdom to form some questions here.

  1. Do we deserve to be angry?
  2. do we realistically deserve to be angry for no reason
  3. Why are people the same?
  4. Why we cannot change as we are expecting as of now?
  5. Why people suffer from mental disorders.
  • Yes we deserve because of actions that we take, they ruin ourself esteem
  • I am not sure
  • Because they have foundmentally meet them selves
  • I have no answer to this.
  • the  reason why they do its impossible to answer, something genetically in the brains.


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