room for aliens to learn human language

Old school was the only school in the world  that have teac the world that other speicies are also living on Earth and that also that  all of them were already sold out to the public so that they could get more informed right there rougly pretty much everywhere in this world and also that humanity might have already made such contact with alien civilizations that may already be linked with what we have already stated.

Some new species have already evolved on the 9th planet away from our wonderful world because earth is not the only world in this galactic system t hat could be supporting life or having that all of that education all the time and its going to be so fascinating that we have already founded that we have some aliens who had read up the golden records and figured out our floating rock orbiting the sun at some distant mile of 93 million miles away from us. and light takes about 8 minutes to travel at fasest cosmic speed of light

and then they have learned about everything about the earth as much as they could have had ever in their short lifetime as huge technological beings who are technologically capable of traveling 30 billion miles away from their planet just to come here and study human languages and check if life here is intelligent

so far the record was carrying in audio text messages the following
  • Information about humannity's place and their tiny history
  • information about lifeforms in Earths surface evolveed
  • information about continents and also some newly landmass created from the heat of the sun and some pictures of just how long it might take them to inhabit all of the little places forever.
Right after they came down, they have been willing to learn our language and explore our planet.


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