So potentially about right now what we are going to see in our free world is that potentially almost everywhere locally that we are living off  in the world has to be defined by technological operation and also that the one of the technological living off naturally everywhere locally that we are seeing, so the future is here as we are guessing:
  • 2020
  1. We will see a new mission to Mars, so that essentially its perhaps that we will start to prepare for domination of mars with manneed landigns of colonists
  2. We will see the population reaching up about 8 billion people
  3. First cargo ship.... sent to Mars
  4. And then so right now we will see something potential about everything properly everywhere.
  • 2030.
  1. Colonization of the Mars
  2. Asteroid Impact, hit on Earth, IN  APRIL 2036.
  3. An Moon base thats have reached up around 1,000 people and slowly increasing
  4. China landing its early humans on the Moon
  5. Japan landing its first humans on the Moon AGAIN!
  6. Operational base of the MOON
  7. Elon musk becoming the  first trillionare person on Earth because he has  already colonize Mar and used the natural resources and convert them into money, Resulting up equally into net-worth of trillion of dollars


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