what EXISTED BEFORE the Black Hole? And the answer is ancient universe with RED GIANT STARS

the Great human intelligent person while living on the earth was once asked what had existed before the big bang and how did time came into existence, what we realistically know what came before the big bang was that an universe that an acient with only galaixes whom the first ancient galaxy when the first universe was just 1 million years old, consumed all energies from the all stars per all of the galatctic regions and that all stars went supernova and the supermassive black hole consumed all of the photons from thousands of light years across the universe and then so with the unstable surface of gravitational force, the universe came to an  explosion which later have developed that the time and also that  all photns trapped inside that massive black hole allowed the expansion and also formation of the following objects as we know it

  • Galaxies
  • Planets
  • Black Holes
  • Warmholes
  • Love holes
  • Clusters 
all of that all it took time to start because from the remains of the ancient universe, there was gravitational photons and that as they were traveling, it was expanding into empty space for the rapid formation of stars..


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