Black Holes

This is the universe most mysterious objects that can never be observed up from current generation of telescopes bececause they dont allow light from their surface to be traveling across interstellar space so we can detect the light easily with our free ones, and then so thereby, we can study the light and determinate from where it just came fro.
these type of black holes are perhaps one of the most mysterious ones out there in the world that could drastically come to end, ending up consuming all photons emmited from red giant stars and mark end  of one galactic planets, they are so invisible because photons are perhaps trapped inside due to high historical remains intense of gravitational fore left from the  stars that went supernova rapidly back there....

What could be inside is the question that many scientits century ago wanted to observe with large telescopes and determinate so that we can see that there is no nearby stars in the solar system, but seems that there is no any possible way for  our sun to turn into a black hole or any other black hole!


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