Mindblowing questions about Black Holes

They are just overall objects formed when during the time when a  massive giant star goes supernova, during the process, all elements that made the moon are made of Plasma, which Indicates that rapidly it can be anything with covered free Icy shit, than there ever was with the capability to develop larger and more larger, as it was forming, all  gravitational forces are kept within a electromagetic shield which also makes it appear longer.

Here are some questions about  these mysterious objects.

  1. Can you do time travel with them?
  2. Can you essentially see them?
  3. Are they filled with Dark matter?
  4. Are they eventually able to emit light?
  5. how are they dying
  6. How can we find them

  • Mathematically, we don't know if these objects have outside as they have inside.
  • We cannot see them because they are dark, any object with the name of made of dark energy.
  • Yes they are,thats why they are invisible.
  • Yes, during the time they die, billions of years later.
  • When planets die.
  • We can find them by the gravitational effets they do to nearby panets orbiting these black holes


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