After the huge explosions that they have developed the sun has already reached up its end of the lifecycle that had developed twice after the end of the technological evolution here on our wonderful world that everybody may be will that all human life on the earth comes to an little end because the sun itself expands and its surface expands and explodes up and then so that means that the surface flares are being to impact and are capable of traveling about 100 million kms around the inner region of the solar system that could drammatically increase up the avearage overall temperature of the earths surface and then allowing them up to showcase all of the following informations always to beat up in the following up in the whole entirely without no issues locally

So when the sus uses its core to cool down and In the newest areas inttelligence that was reused in that loca neighorhooding information...

Indications shows that in the next billion years from now the surface of our wonderful little things always demands everything locally to endure what we have developed in the entire trillions of years from now. It's going to be saying that locally In our wonderful new advances of technological resources based on all of  our wonderful....................

From all of the observations  that we have done up while we founded cosmically that the sun may become red giant one and engulf all the planets, but then eventually in the past new millions places where they can grow is just velocity at speed of light  of the next solar system, and use the light, but during this time the current civilizations on earth may already be on the moon living and creating new satellite for earth, or just being dead from lack of sunlight.


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